
September 2020


A complete design overhaul of MusicLife, a social media platform for people who love music, with added functional components as well.

CSS React Redux React-Router Firebase

Key Points

• Completely redesigned MusicLife to make the platform much more clean and visibile to its users.

• Added a feature where users can supply a link to the songs they add, so other users can easily view the songs they love without having to find them.

• Users can now add songs to communities directly from the browse tab, without having to re-contribute the song.

Lenghty Description

I created MusicLife very early on in my front-end development career. At the time I was very focused on working with databases, storing data in them, and being able to retreive information. Thus, my focus was more on the Firebase aspects of the project rather than on the design.

I ended up finishing the MusicLife project in July of 2020 (or so I thought), and recently decided to pick it back up again. I really wanted to prove my design skills, especially if I'm looking to go into front-end development. So, I decided there was no better way to do it then to do a design overhaul of my old project.

The result was MusicLifev2, and I'm very proud of it. I added some new functional features along the way to aid in the design and the overall experience for the user. One added feature was the ability to attach a link to a song when it's contributed, so users who may not be as technologically advanced wouldn't have to search for the song. It would be right in front of them.