
August 2020


I built a spotify aid that shows users their top artists & tracks, allows users to view statistical data about their favorite songs, artists, and albums, and more.

React Sass Node.js Spotify Web API Axios

Key Points

• Built a Spotify tool that allows users to view & manage their profile, which displays their playlists, followers, the artists they follow, their tracks, and more.

• Made GET/POST requests to the Spotify Web API to retreive statistical data on any track a user would like to look up, along with their own top tracks & artists.

• Handled Spotify user authentication tokens in Node.js by making GET/POST requests to Spotify's REST API and storing the access/refresh tokens in browser cookies to prevent malicious logins.

• Learned & utilized Sass and tied it to a React.js front end.

Lengthy Description

While participating in a Open World Builders bootcamp during late July and August of 2020, I knew I wanted to try and complete one more project before school started, so I could enter school which multiple projects that I could touch up on and re-style over time. I also wanted to further solidify my knowledge of working with REST APIs all while learning Sass and further improving my skills in React.js.

I knew I wanted to to something with music because it's a great way to tie many components together. I could have the ability to try and prove my formatting & styling skills with React.js and Sass while working with Spotify's wonderful Web API, which has great explanations of how to get started. As a bonus, I had been listening to music over quarantine with my dad, and I would love to make something music related for him.

SpotifyAid is a great tool to have alongside the data Spotify already provides you. With SpotifyAid you can easily view all of your top tracks & artists and get a sense of what kind of music you love. Each track and artist has statistical data on its popularity, genre, and other specific stats such as energy, liveliness, and more. You can also look up any track you want to see how it compares to the songs you already listen to and love.